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CHECK AGAIN) The reason performance teams are required to sing at KWF!

  • koko3/
  • Level 10/
  • 2017.08.11



***We just upload this posting again due to connection problem! ***


Dear KWF fans,

K-Pop World Festival (KWF) is a worldwide festival for all K-Pop fans. And we take a lot of value in creating a festival for the participants. KWF is not just a cover dance contest. KWF is a holistic music festival. As many of you already know, participants may choose to participate in either the vocal or performance category.

We are writing to explain why we require files of participants (of the performance category) singing. All participants, who advance to the final round (in both performance and vocal categories), will record the song with their own voices once they arrive in Korea. The performance teams will dance along with the recorded song in the final round.

The quality of singing is a minor factor (if any) in deciding who will advance to the final round. It is required, because we would like to keep a note of how well the participants can pronounce Korean language and sing along to the song. We are just checking on most basic levels, so there is no need to worry.

Please inquire at Q&A if you have any additional concerns.

Thank you.