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Good day,

I was wondering if there is a list of banned songs that we can not use to enter the competition? Because I want to cover D-day by iKon. Would it be possible to enter with that song

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Good day, I was wondering if there is a list of banned songs that we can not use to enter the competition? Because I want to cover D-day by iKon. Would it be possible to enter with that song BDay iKon

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hi, I saw that there is a round in Ottawa but it's not on this website. Is it real? And I missed the audition time for toronto so is there any online audition? Thank u :)

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Hello, Î'm french and our country is not included in the list of participating country but are we allowed to do the online audition? If yes how ?

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Hello, Î'm french and our country is not included in the list of participating country but are we allowed to do the online audition? If yes how ? France Participation

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Hello ! I was wondering why is France not included in the list of participating countries ?
Can you give to French people an opportunity to participate to KWF 2017 ? There are a lot of people who want to show their talent and love for K-Pop :)
Thank you!

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Hello ! I was wondering why is France not included in the list of participating countries ? Can you give to French people an opportunity to participate to KWF 2017 ? There are a lot of people who want to show their talent and love for K-Pop :) Thank you!

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