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hello everyone

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hello everyone

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Hi! I'm from Portugal and I would love to participate next year, but I'm bit confused about how to do that. Can you please explain correctly the process to participate?
Thank you.

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Hi! I'm from Portugal and I would love to participate next year, but I'm bit confused about how to do that. Can you please explain correctly the process to participate? Thank you.

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For those who win, will their trip be free, as well as accommodations(like hotel, apartments, etc)?
Also, do you have to be in a group to audition for dancing?

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For those who win, will their trip be free, as well as accommodations(like hotel, apartments, etc)? Also, do you have to be in a group to audition for dancing?

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For those who win, will their trip be free as well as accommodations(like hotel, apartment, etc)?

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For those who win, will their trip be free as well as accommodations(like hotel, apartment, etc)?

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Do we have to be part of a group to audition? (Dance)

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Do we have to be part of a group to audition? (Dance)

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Hi, could you please answer, how does a person participate if the first round of the contest isn't held in the country that they live in? (In case I want to participate in the future)
Thank you:)

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Hi, could you please answer, how does a person participate if the first round of the contest isn't held in the country that they live in? (In case I want to participate in the future) Thank you:)

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