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Please have auditions in Chicago next year!!!!

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Please have auditions in Chicago next year!!!!

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HELLO...I am the winner of the vocal preliminary round in a certain country...I wonder why don't you upload my video and other videos from other countries here on the website or the youtube channel??? please upload all the preliminary videos here and on the youtube just like you did on only uploaded 16 videos here and on youtube :( are these 16 teams are the winners who will participate in the final round in Korea??? if so, please tell us in order not to keep waiting for the results :( ...all the winners should have fair chances please TT I don't mean that you are not fair of course I am just saying that we all deserve to be here n on youtube is just once per life time :)
I have another question...what do you mean by online judgement? do you mean the total amount of views for example??
and I wonder why is your choice for the countries which participate in the final round in Korea is somehow similar every year??? I mean NO offense I swear :) I am just asking...thanks for your effort ^_^

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HELLO...I am the winner of the vocal preliminary round in a certain country...I wonder why don't you upload my video and other videos from other countries here on the website or the youtube channel??? please upload all the preliminary videos here and on the youtube just like you did on only uploaded 16 videos here and on youtube :( are these 16 teams are the winners who will participate in the final round in Korea??? if so, please tell us in order not to keep waiting for the results :( ...all the winners should have fair chances please TT I don't mean that you are not fair of course I am just saying that we all deserve to be here n on youtube is just once per life time :) I have another question...what do you mean by online judgement? do you mean the total amount of views for example?? and I wonder why is your choice for the countries which participate in the final round in Korea is somehow similar every year??? I mean NO offense I swear :) I am just asking...thanks for your effort ^_^ #Changwon #KWF2017 kpopworldfestival

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How do we submit our performance for the online auditions?

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How do we submit our performance for the online auditions? Changwon KWF2017

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Hi there,

Some people have come to realize that at the regional round in South Africa only the first place winners are given a chance to go to online judgement for the finals. In the rules it clearly stated that 1st and 2nd were given a chance. How come they weren't given a chance??

Another thing, just out of curiosity, how come each year only groups are preferred for the dance category finals? I've never seen a solo dancer make it through before.. why are they never given a chance or considered??

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Hi there, Some people have come to realize that at the regional round in South Africa only the first place winners are given a chance to go to online judgement for the finals. In the rules it clearly stated that 1st and 2nd were given a chance. How come they weren't given a chance?? Another thing, just out of curiosity, how come each year only groups are preferred for the dance category finals? I've never seen a solo dancer make it through before.. why are they never given a chance or considered?? kpopworldfestivalsa concerned

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How do we submit our video for the online audition?

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How do we submit our video for the online audition?

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I was hoping to be at kpop Festival
I sent a video & e-mail for audition in the Preliminary Round
but they told me that there is no email and video
But I'am sure & i sent email & video for the festival & i have screen shot show that i sent the video from the first day ( u can see the screen shot ) & date of the email
no one want to listen to me & believe me i'am very sad

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I was hoping to be at kpop Festival I sent a video & e-mail for audition in the Preliminary Round but they told me that there is no email and video But I'am sure & i sent email & video for the festival & i have screen shot show that i sent the video from the first day ( u can see the screen shot ) & date of the email no one want to listen to me & believe me i'am very sad

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