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I've watched it yesterday. :funny.gif:
Thank you K-RUSH for Trip with MASC :heart.gif:

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I've watched it yesterday. :funny.gif: Thank you K-RUSH for Trip with MASC :heart.gif: K-RUSH

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K-RUSH for Korea Discovery with MASC yay!

ACE from MASC is BTOB Minhyuk's friend :emoticon_05.png:

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K-RUSH for Korea Discovery with MASC yay! :sticker_04.gif: ACE from MASC is BTOB Minhyuk's friend :emoticon_05.png: Kpop

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:sticker_14.gif: Music Bank

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Hi everyone ^^
I'm writing a book, but more like a kdrama script and its actually turning out pretty well. So I wanted your opinion if u would like to read it if I create a blog..for kdrama international fans..cos its English
Here's the cast:
Young do- 19 years- bodyguard of princess
Tae hee-19 years- princess
Hyun woo- 24- leader bodyguard
Eunji- 22- young do's sister and a doctor
Baekhyun- 21- Prince
Hyunjoo- 21- doctor and hyun woos small sister

The plot is as follows: on young dos first day of being the princesses bodyguard before the sun can rise the princess is no where to b found so young do and hyin woo who's fathers were best friends and also bodyguards split up and who finds the princess????

Now the princess and the mysterious person who found her are hiding in a cupboard when sum1 who wants the princess comes in.
Do they escape?
There's a twist..she's blind
And a bigger twist in the end...she's married...but to whom? And how? She signed the marriage ceteficate the week b4 when her father insisted she did, she felt weak and like she had no purpose so she signed it, he was there too but she couldn't see him and never hard his voice...
But as the story goes on...she and the mysterious person who found her end up getting closer as the story develops. The princess restricts herself from liking him as she is married...but for some reason he is overly confident?

There's so much that happens not to mention love line btwn 20 year old prince and 20 year old doctor hyun joo.

Also love line btwn hyun woo and over serouis person and eunji who have known each other from small but always kept the distance.

Not to mention the hidden secret to the myestrious ppl who turn the whole of Korea upside for wanting the princess...
Here's something...she and her mysterious saviuor get kidnapped and together want to escape and his duty is to get the princess out.

Something miraculous happens and not to mention a birth secret that was never supposed to b told.

Love that is not only meant for couples in this book but u see the overly protective brothers who love their sisters dearly...
So what d you guys think?


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Hi everyone ^^ I'm writing a book, but more like a kdrama script and its actually turning out pretty well. So I wanted your opinion if u would like to read it if I create a blog..for kdrama international fans..cos its English Here's the cast: Young do- 19 years- bodyguard of princess Tae hee-19 years- princess Hyun woo- 24- leader bodyguard Eunji- 22- young do's sister and a doctor Baekhyun- 21- Prince Hyunjoo- 21- doctor and hyun woos small sister The plot is as follows: on young dos first day of being the princesses bodyguard before the sun can rise the princess is no where to b found so young do and hyin woo who's fathers were best friends and also bodyguards split up and who finds the princess???? Now the princess and the mysterious person who found her are hiding in a cupboard when sum1 who wants the princess comes in. Do they escape? There's a twist..she's blind And a bigger twist in the end...she's married...but to whom? And how? She signed the marriage ceteficate the week b4 when her father insisted she did, she felt weak and like she had no purpose so she signed it, he was there too but she couldn't see him and never hard his voice... But as the story goes on...she and the mysterious person who found her end up getting closer as the story develops. The princess restricts herself from liking him as she is married...but for some reason he is overly confident? There's so much that happens not to mention love line btwn 20 year old prince and 20 year old doctor hyun joo. Also love line btwn hyun woo and over serouis person and eunji who have known each other from small but always kept the distance. Not to mention the hidden secret to the myestrious ppl who turn the whole of Korea upside for wanting the princess... Here's something...she and her mysterious saviuor get kidnapped and together want to escape and his duty is to get the princess out. Something miraculous happens and not to mention a birth secret that was never supposed to b told. Love that is not only meant for couples in this book but u see the overly protective brothers who love their sisters dearly... So what d you guys think? TM mykdrama

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