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My embassy's page says that you can only submit 3 minute videos.
Every single song I have considered for this has been between 3:30 to 4 minutes. there are very few kpop songs (that I know) that are less than 3 minutes.
I also don't have a way of editing a song to fit within the 3 minute limit.
can the videos be up to 4 minutes long? (I heard that last year it was indeed changed to 4 minutes)
If they can be, can that information be passed to the embassies as well?

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Hello, My embassy's page says that you can only submit 3 minute videos. Every single song I have considered for this has been between 3:30 to 4 minutes. there are very few kpop songs (that I know) that are less than 3 minutes. I also don't have a way of editing a song to fit within the 3 minute limit. can the videos be up to 4 minutes long? (I heard that last year it was indeed changed to 4 minutes) If they can be, can that information be passed to the embassies as well? VideoTimeTooShort

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