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I want to report a situation that happened on the preliminary on Chile. There were bases for the contest, were very clear:
1. Show your face on first plane and do a presentation.
2. Sing in KOREAN.
3. Make the video specially for the contest.

BUT in my country, 3 of the 5 people who were selected, DIDN'T RESPECT THE BASES. (TrickCode;
Joevanloo and Mon-A)
How they could be selected? The worst thing is that one of the participants, called JOEVANLOO, is the winner of the KPOP WORDL FEST CHILE 2015 AND 2016!! Why they still giving him the chance to participate? THAT'S NOT FAIR! PLEASE KBS DO SOMETHING, IN CHILE THE CONTEST IS VERY IRREGULAR AND WEIRD!! HELP US!!

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I want to report a situation that happened on the preliminary on Chile. There were bases for the contest, were very clear: 1. Show your face on first plane and do a presentation. 2. Sing in KOREAN. 3. Make the video specially for the contest. BUT in my country, 3 of the 5 people who were selected, DIDN'T RESPECT THE BASES. (TrickCode; Joevanloo and Mon-A) How they could be selected? The worst thing is that one of the participants, called JOEVANLOO, is the winner of the KPOP WORDL FEST CHILE 2015 AND 2016!! Why they still giving him the chance to participate? THAT'S NOT FAIR! PLEASE KBS DO SOMETHING, IN CHILE THE CONTEST IS VERY IRREGULAR AND WEIRD!! HELP US!! kpopworldfestchile kpopworldfestival

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I want to report a situation that happened on the preliminary of Chile. There were bases for the contest, were very clear:
1. Show your face on first plane and do a presentation.
2. Sing in KOREAN.
3. Make the video specially for the contest.

BUT in my country, 3 of the 5 people who were selected, DIDN'T RESPECT THE BASES. (TrickCode;
Joevanloo and Mon-A)
How they could be selected? The worst thing is that one of the participants, called JOEVANLOO, is the winner of the KPOP WORDL FEST CHILE 2015 AND 2016!! Why they still giving him the chance to participate? THAT'S NOT FAIR! PLEASE KBS DO SOMETHING, IN CHILE THE CONTEST IS VERY IRREGULAR AND WEIRD!! HELP US!!

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I want to report a situation that happened on the preliminary of Chile. There were bases for the contest, were very clear: 1. Show your face on first plane and do a presentation. 2. Sing in KOREAN. 3. Make the video specially for the contest. BUT in my country, 3 of the 5 people who were selected, DIDN'T RESPECT THE BASES. (TrickCode; Joevanloo and Mon-A) How they could be selected? The worst thing is that one of the participants, called JOEVANLOO, is the winner of the KPOP WORDL FEST CHILE 2015 AND 2016!! Why they still giving him the chance to participate? THAT'S NOT FAIR! PLEASE KBS DO SOMETHING, IN CHILE THE CONTEST IS VERY IRREGULAR AND WEIRD!! HELP US!! kpopworldfestchile kpopworldfestival

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