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Hello, we are M2B, one of the winners of the preliminaries in Italy. We were asked to send the materials for the selections by our embassy, such as the interview, the MR of the song, and a clean video of our performance. However, our video wasn't uploaded neither on the official Facebook page nor the Youtube channel. Since we aren't the only ones that are in this situation, we wanted to know what happened and if there were any problems with it.

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Hello, we are M2B, one of the winners of the preliminaries in Italy. We were asked to send the materials for the selections by our embassy, such as the interview, the MR of the song, and a clean video of our performance. However, our video wasn't uploaded neither on the official Facebook page nor the Youtube channel. Since we aren't the only ones that are in this situation, we wanted to know what happened and if there were any problems with it. Italy preliminaries SDCPHFrdSl8?wmode=opaque

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